Throughout our existence,
Kohn Swift has demonstrated dedication to including and promoting individuals from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and characteristics, both in our staff and our clients.
Kohn Swift extends our commitment to justice to providing opportunities for lawyers and staff who have traditionally been excluded from legal careers, beginning more than 50 years ago when few law firms in Philadelphia would hire female associates.
As we grow, we continue to demonstrate our commitment to diversity and inclusion in new hires, not only hiring attorneys from diverse backgrounds, but also giving these new lawyers high-level assignments, and supporting them as they take dispositions, interview clients, and litigate cases. Our attorneys are encouraged to participate in diverse bar associations and other D&I community organizations, and these activities count toward their billable hours.
Another way we support diversity and inclusion in the legal industry is by hiring paralegals from a variety of backgrounds, many of whom have gone on to law school and legal careers after working with us.