Investigations & Cases



Insurance Litigation
for Victims of
Financial Abuses
and Forced
Slave Labor

These groundbreaking cases sought compensation for classes of victims of financial abuses and forced and slave labor committed during World War II. Robert Swift has served as one of the lead attorneys for the plaintiffs in this case, filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, USA, between Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. and individuals persecuted by the Nazis who owned Generali insurance at the time of their persecution.


Million people who recovered $7.5 billion in settlement



In re: Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. Holocaust Insurance Litigation, No 1374; Holocaust Swiss Bank Litigation; European Insurance Holocaust Litigation; Austrian Bank Holocaust Litigation

In the late 1990’s, Robert Swift was lead counsel in multiple lawsuits brought on behalf of Holocaust victims, suing banks and insurance companies which profited from the fiscal exploitation of Jews and other groups before and during WWII.

The cases were settled with the assistance of the United States, Swiss, German, and Austrian governments, which resulted in the recovery and distribution of $7.5 billion to more than 2 million people.